Pictet North America Advisors SA

Karine Genevey

Karine Genevey


Chief Executive Officer
Phone number
Tel. +41 22 307 9000
Pictet North America Advisors SA
48, Route des Acacias
1211 Geneva 73

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About Karine Genevey

Karine has been the CEO of Pictet North America Advisors since January 2022. She first joined Pictet in 2015 as Head of Advisory and later advanced to Head of Investment Solutions in 2018. She started her financial career at Morgan Stanley in London, where she structured customized solutions for both private and institutional investors. She then held various senior investment roles at Barclays Wealth before her position as EMEA Head of Capital Markets for Private Wealth Management at Deutsche Bank.

Karine began her career in academic research in Paris, holding a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Université Pierre et Marie Curie and an MBA from INSEAD. Additionally, she is fluent in English, Spanish, and French.

If you have questions about Pictet's North America offering, Karine and her team are well-equipped to assist you.

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