Pictet North America Advisors SA

Mussie Kidane

Mussie Kidane


Chief Investment Officer
Phone number
Tel. +41 22 307 9000
Pictet North America Advisors SA
48, Route des Acacias
1211 Geneva 73

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About Mussie Kidane

In August 2022, Mussie Kidane took the reins as Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at Pictet North America Advisors (PNAA), a US SEC-registered investment advisor. Leading the investment team, Mussie is accountable for asset allocation and comprehensive portfolio management.

Before his current role at PNAA, Mussie spent 15 impactful years at Pictet Wealth Management as Head of the Fund and Manager Research team. Mussie initially joined the Pictet Group in 2006, having launched his investment career five years earlier at Lombard Odier Group.

Mussie holds dual Master's degrees in Econometrics and Finance from the University of Geneva and is a CFA Charterholder.

For expert insights into PNAA’s investment approaches, Mussie and his team stand ready to assist.

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